As stated before, the collaborative inbox is a mechanism to keep in touch with members by receiving most inbound conversations from the public, while allowing everyone in the group visibility into these communications.
As the primary contact of a Collaborative Inbox we rely on you to be the first line of contact with our customers and members. We need to you review all messages, answer them where possible, otherwise assigning them to a person that can deal with the issue.
Lastly, we rely on you to close, or as they call it “Mark as Completed”, all conversations that has been resolved so that it can be filtered out and so that we can focus on all open queries.
Taking care of a message directly
- Select the “Take” option to make the message your responsibility (you can at any time reassign it to someone else).
- Engage with our customer to resolve the query.
- Mark as Complete; to that we know it is taken care of.
Assigning it to someone else
- Use the “Assign” button to assign the message to another member of the group.
- Use the “Reassign” button if the message is currently with one person, but you want to assign it to someone else.
- Mark as Complete when you have confirmed the issue is resolved. Not all parties will remember to close the conversation off. Leaving messages open will just clutter the inbox view.
Only show open issues
At the top of the page there is a Filter option. From here you can select which messages to view. The All Unresolved option will show all open messages.
How to assign to someone outside the group
You cannot assign a message to someone outside the group. If this person frequently has to deal with assignments add them to the group. They may want to set their email notification settings not to receive all notifications.