Results: Atlantis

The racing today in Atlantis met expectations – fast, flat and WINDY – have we ever had an event there where the wind didn’t play a role?

Racing started with the newly formed category 4’s who made the best of the conditions before the wind picked up.  Simultaneously, the under 15’s and under 17’s took to the course.  Great results by some of our youngsters.

The ladies and category 3 were up next.  It was great to see such a turn out by the Chalk Air Ladies – well done all of you.

Then the Categories 1 and 2 had their turn, as the wind really started picking up.  Well done, Tyler Lange, on your first win with your new team.

The provisional results for the second league race are now available online on our new result system.  Queries to be sent to [email protected] by Wednesday.  We will finalise these one the queries have been looked at.