Life Path Health – Time Trial # 4 – Event 14 – Results

Time trialing – by definition, an event which requires the rider to pedal as fast as humanly possible over a set distance – remains a painful pursuit so we introduced the 2 man team time trial to share the pain at the Life Path Health Time Trial Series. The Winter solstice is but a few days always and sunny days are becoming a distant memory at this time of the year. Most of the weather predictions were for rain to arrive in the Riebeeck Kasteel valley in the late morning so we took the decision on the Saturday to move the start time an hour forward. All concerned were informed to try and be at the venue as early as possible to make the early start at 8:00am. Conditions in the morning were chilly with a nasty biting headwind on the route up to the turning point. The event was split into two competitions with some electing to ride as individuals and others in teams of two.


Teams and category 1 riders raced two loops of the circuit while all the other categories rode the one lap. The decision to move the start time to an earlier slot proved correct as the rain came just as the last rider made the turn for the last 10 kilometres to the finish line.


[wpfmb type=’warning’ theme=1]These are provisional results.[/wpfmb]

[wpfmb type=’info’ theme=1]If you think it is incorrect or you are missing, please send your name, race number and Mobii chip number to [email protected] so that we can look into the matter. Do not phone, Skype, WhatsApp or FB Messanger me; email.[/wpfmb]