Page hierarchy, categories and tags

Page Hierarchy

The page hierarchy (parent and child pages) not only makes it easier to find pages, but also drives the URL structure of a WordPress site.

Parent pages should be used to group similar types of pages. Our primary groups are MTB, Road, Track and Schools. By linking a page to one of these parent pages we indicate that the child pages belong to that category.

Exceptions to this rule are the calendar, membership pages, events, results, FAQ and the contact details pages. We do provide separate links in the menus for each discipline, but these pages lives in outside the discipline structures. For calendar and events pages we make use of categories and tags to create cross-cutting groups.

Also, there are a few special purpose pages that are not grouped, like the home page, the e-Commerce pages, etc.

Note that page hierarchy does not apply to posts; only pages.


Categories provide a way to link similar pages and posts across all the disciplines. A notable difference between a category and the hierarchy structure mentioned above is that pages and posts can be linked to multiple categories, where pages can only have one parent.

News Categories

We have created “news” categories for each discipline, such as Road News, MTB News, etc. Link your posts to the relevant categories for it to be displayed in the relevant news section (“What is new?”) of the site.

The special category “Front Page Banner” is a category to showcase certain topics. It should be used sparingly. Any post linked to this category will be displayed on the front page in the rotating banner. It is best to only have ONE such post per discipline. Also, these post must have a featured image measuring 1600×400 pixels. No exceptions. These images must be sourced from hi-res photos; do not stretch small images to these dimensions, as they will appear pixelated.


The use of tags are not formalised yet. We will define this over time as we figure out the required use cases.