The Sports Trust Cycling Club » Contact List

The Sports Trust Cycling Club

Contact: Mike Tippett
Cell Phone: – 0621591011
Photo of The Sports Trust Cycling Club

Biographical Info

“The Sports Trust Development Cycling club prime function is to support and create a healthy lifestyle for development cyclists in the Western Cape Region. The Development Cycling Porgramme was started in 2006 with partners Nedbank and Western Cape Government Department of Culture, Art and Sports.

The club is about Development Cyclists, and has a membership component. The club is in the process of building a strong cycling squad that have vast potential in the next few years. The Sports Trust arranges regular Community Cycle races to promote cycling in the previously disadvantaged communities.

The Sports Trust Development cycling club takes part in all possible cycle races in the Western Cape.

The Club welcomes all cyclists who have a common interest in supporting and being part of development cycling. The future of cycling starts with these cyclists!

Categories: Affiliated Clubs, Road, Schools
Updated 1 week ago.