Killarney #4 – Event 15 – Results

So the UK voted to leave the EU…hhmm…so life carries on. In Western Province that means cycle racing on a Sunday. Not even the mist that descended on the Killarney Race Track could deter our cyclist from making the racing hot.

The course was shortened by 200 metres with a detour at the far end of the track. The detour was introduced additional corners to the race which meant a bit more cornering and accelerating. Not nice in the cold weather. The organizers decided to stay with the norm and ride the conventional way on the track which meant that there was a North wind blowing up the home straight. Not even the pit wall offered any protection this time.

Category 3 and Ladies – 1 hour plus 1 lap

Cycle Teknix Sprint Primes – Esrick Bull and Bjorn Pienaar won the 2 primes which came quite early on during the race. After about 45 minutes into the race the fuse was lit. A group of five riders attacked and were allowed to open up a handy lead the bunch. With the wind starting to pick up the thinking was that this attack would tire itself out. This was not to be. Despite a concerted in the bell lap, the bunch was unable to close the gap and Ashley Accom(Cedar CC) won the race from Esrick Bull(Outriders CC) and Graham Prinsloo of Team Cycle Teknix.


1st .Maroeskja Matthee(Team Bestmed) (2 sprint primes) 2nd Maria Martinez , 3rd Jenna Borrill


Fixie Race

Jaco Scholtz(Track Cycling CC) was the winner for this event. We are going to make a concerted effort to promote the fixie race at future events.

Category 2 – 1 hour 15 minutes and 1 lap.

The Category 2 bunch has thinned out in the last few weeks but racing has remained at a very high standard. City CC’s Chrispin Fourie sponsored by Helderberg Cycling World has campaigned overseas in his younger days and this experience showed when he attacked the bunch in the last few laps. The home straight is about 300 metres in length and it takes a very strong rider to maintain a sprint for 300 metres. Four riders went into the home straight but Chrispin was to hold off them all to take the win.

1st Chrispin Fourie (City CC)
2nd Ethan Parker (Kinetic CC)
3rd Oswin Booysen (Ind)


Category 1 – 1 hour 30 minutes plus 1 lap.

1 hour into the race there was a huge effort by the Lights by Linea team up the back straight and down the home straight. This resulted in the race splitting into 3 distinctive bunches. The main bunch consisted of 3 riders from Lights by Linea, 2 from Giant and individual riders from Stellenbosch Pro Cycling, Alfa Bodyworks, RoadCover,Team CWC. Rohan du Plooy broke from this bunch just as the bell was rung for the last sprint prime. With individual riders dominating the remnants of the bunch it was left up to the Team Giant riders Tim Jenkinson and Matthew Merrington to initiate a chase. This was not to be and Rohan was able to maintain a metronomic pace lap after lap into the wind which was by now turning nasty. He crossed the line on his own with Clint Hendricks winning the closely contested 2nd spot from Stefan Ihlenfeldt.

Cycle Teknix Sprint Primes – Rohan du Plooy, Brandon Christians and Theuns vd Bank


Pics: Salie Toefy/Cycling with Double ST



[wpfmb type=’warning’ theme=1]These are provisional results. I still need to identify a Matie rider in Cat 1 in 22nd place.[/wpfmb]

[wpfmb type=’info’ theme=1]If you think it is incorrect or you are missing, please send your name, race number and Mobii chip number to [email protected] so that we can look into the matter. Do not phone, Skype, WhatsApp or FB Messanger me; email.[/wpfmb]

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